Bike route from Sâncraiu: cca. 4 km.
Accommodation and meals are provided in Sâncraiu.
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Experiences in the Land of Călata
Recreational activities, cycling track, hiking, horse riding, adventure tourism and other activities that you can enjoy in Sâncraiu, Țara Călatei .
Equestrian Tourism in Călata
Călata is situated 10 km south from Huedin, towards Beliş, and the equestrian center, with 20 horses, lies at the Văleni exit.
Circuits for cars
Circuits for cars, accommodation and meals are provided in Sâncraiu.
Pensions and tourist attractions in Sâncraiu
Here you can find all the tourist attractions and guesthouses in Sâncraiu, Țara Călatei.
Local programs and events
We cordially invite you to events and tourist programs organized in Sâncraiu, Țara Călatei. See all events in Sâncraiu >
Map with guesthouses, tourist attractions, restaurants in Sâncraiu, Țara Calatei.
The latest news
News and recent events from Sâncraiu, Țara Călatei.