Bike and hiking trails
Bike route from Sâncraiu: cca. 4 km.
Accommodation and meals are provided in Sâncraiu.
Recreational activities, cycling track, hiking, horse riding, adventure tourism and other activities that you can enjoy in Săncraiu, Călatei County.
Bike route from Sâncraiu: cca. 4 km.
Accommodation and meals are provided in Sâncraiu.
Călata is situated 10 km south from Huedin, towards Beliş, and the equestrian center, with 20 horses, lies at the Văleni exit.
Circuits for cars, accommodation and meals are provided in Sâncraiu.
Circuits for jeeps, accommodation and meals are provided in Sâncraiu. On request, jeeps can be rented.
For this program we provide an experienced guide who has won several international sport competitions. János Török has achieved remarkable results in cross-country skiing, extreme skiing,…
The accommodation and meals are provided by Hungarian families in Sâncraiu. There is usually one bathroom belonging to two rooms.